Having a green lawn is the dream of many, many of us. The image of the ideal garden
or yard always pops into our minds with very bright and strong greens and colorful flowers, and then we wonder why the grass in our gardens is not that green and what we
could do about it. In fact, there are many things we can do in order to keep our lawns as green as those from the movies.
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lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010
How to pay for my pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a fascinating experience for most women. However, during this experience
the mothers-to-be are usually more vulnerable and many unexpected health problems may come out. That is why it is so important to have any possible inconvenience covered. A great deal of women already has a health insurance when they get pregnant.
Nevertheless, about 13% of the pregnant women get to that phase in their lives
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the mothers-to-be are usually more vulnerable and many unexpected health problems may come out. That is why it is so important to have any possible inconvenience covered. A great deal of women already has a health insurance when they get pregnant.
Nevertheless, about 13% of the pregnant women get to that phase in their lives
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How to play piano?
Playing the piano is a very difficult endeavor. Years of dedication and hard study are
needed in order to master this art. Talent is also fundamental. Many people who like
piano a lot spend years taking lessons and they finally get to perform several plays, but they never get to be great at it. On the other hand, many others discover they like piano and begin to take lessons and in a short time they are even better than those that have spent half their lives completely devoted to playing the instrument. From this we can conclude that a strong combination of hard work and talent is necessary if we want to excel at this activity.
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needed in order to master this art. Talent is also fundamental. Many people who like
piano a lot spend years taking lessons and they finally get to perform several plays, but they never get to be great at it. On the other hand, many others discover they like piano and begin to take lessons and in a short time they are even better than those that have spent half their lives completely devoted to playing the instrument. From this we can conclude that a strong combination of hard work and talent is necessary if we want to excel at this activity.
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How to replace a windshield?
When a car suffers a front collision, the windshield tends to crack. Windshields are made with toughened glass, which requires a lot of pressure in order to be put assembled. That is the reason why it should be replaced even if it doesn’t completely
break, but only cracks a bit, because, due to all that pressure, the crack will continue to expand and there could be an explosion of the glass. There are many people that see the replacement of a car’s windshield as very difficult task, and it is actually difficult, but it doesn’t men that it cannot be done.
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break, but only cracks a bit, because, due to all that pressure, the crack will continue to expand and there could be an explosion of the glass. There are many people that see the replacement of a car’s windshield as very difficult task, and it is actually difficult, but it doesn’t men that it cannot be done.
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How to stop gambling
Gambling usually begins as an “innocent game”. The excitement of the game and the
possibility of winning money with it, frequently lead people to gambling until they are
out of money. If this practice becomes habitual we could be in front of a case of
gambling addiction. It is important to know the symptoms of this addiction in order to
avoid them and to know when to stop, or when and where to look for help.
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possibility of winning money with it, frequently lead people to gambling until they are
out of money. If this practice becomes habitual we could be in front of a case of
gambling addiction. It is important to know the symptoms of this addiction in order to
avoid them and to know when to stop, or when and where to look for help.
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Online School
Online School
Online or virtual schools are an alternative way of education for those who prefer or need to take courses and obtain their degrees from their own homes. Anyone that navigates through the web will be able to find a wealth of courses of all kinds, but if you don’t want to waste your time and want your effort to be acknowledged later on by employers and peers, it is advisable that you only take courses from accredited online schools.
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Online or virtual schools are an alternative way of education for those who prefer or need to take courses and obtain their degrees from their own homes. Anyone that navigates through the web will be able to find a wealth of courses of all kinds, but if you don’t want to waste your time and want your effort to be acknowledged later on by employers and peers, it is advisable that you only take courses from accredited online schools.
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How to file for disability?
How to file for disability
When a person suffers from any disability, his or her life becomes difficult and many
challenges have to be overcome. Earning money is one of those challenges. In order to
help them improve their quality of life and feel better about their condition, the Social Security Administration has implemented two disability programs: Social Security
Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
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When a person suffers from any disability, his or her life becomes difficult and many
challenges have to be overcome. Earning money is one of those challenges. In order to
help them improve their quality of life and feel better about their condition, the Social Security Administration has implemented two disability programs: Social Security
Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
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Color blindness.
Color blindness
Color blindness is a very common genetic disease. Its scientific name is Color Vision Deficiency. The problem consists in the impossibility of the individual to differentiate some pairs of complementary colors. There are two main pairs of colors that are confused by color blind people: Red and Green, which is the most common one, and Blue and Yellow, which is rather unusual. There are also very few people to whom the only existing colors are black and white, though.
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Color blindness is a very common genetic disease. Its scientific name is Color Vision Deficiency. The problem consists in the impossibility of the individual to differentiate some pairs of complementary colors. There are two main pairs of colors that are confused by color blind people: Red and Green, which is the most common one, and Blue and Yellow, which is rather unusual. There are also very few people to whom the only existing colors are black and white, though.
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Cell phone recycling.
Cell phone recycling
Cell phones classify among the most used items of modern life. They are certainly very helpful to us and every year they are more sophisticated and have newer applications. Due to these constant upgrades the cell phone companies offer with their new models, people change very often their mobile phones. These phones are made with a wide range of chemical materials. Many of these materials are highly toxic and pollute the atmosphere once they have been discarded. Since so many cell phones are thrown away each year, they have become a rising threat for the environment.
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Cell phones classify among the most used items of modern life. They are certainly very helpful to us and every year they are more sophisticated and have newer applications. Due to these constant upgrades the cell phone companies offer with their new models, people change very often their mobile phones. These phones are made with a wide range of chemical materials. Many of these materials are highly toxic and pollute the atmosphere once they have been discarded. Since so many cell phones are thrown away each year, they have become a rising threat for the environment.
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How to buy a flat-screen TV.
How to buy a flat-screen TV
By Audrey Rose
The overwhelming power of high definition is contagious. Having that kind of technology at home is every day more craved by all the people. Flat-screen TVs are the solution for that craving. That’s the reason why it is so important to have all the possible information in order to select the most suitable flat-screen TV for us.
As you may already know, flat-screen TVs have a lot of advantages. For example, you can watch them from unthinkable angles for other kinds of TVs and the image is clearer and best defined. Since they are so thin, you may even hang them on the wall and have more room for some other items. Additionally, many of them are nowadays cheaper than their convex-screen predecessors, among so many other perks you can get out of purchasing this technological step forward.
When buying a flat-screen TV set you should begin by determining the amount of money you can count on for the purchase, and they way you want to pay for it. Paying the cheapest price in the market is not always the best choice, because you would be disregarding the quality of the appliance. As well, if you pay for a price you cannot afford, you could be purchasing a TV and a cause of eternal stress for you and your family. Bear in mind that plasma TVs are usually more expensive than the LCD ones.
After you have set your budget, it is time to analyze how big your TV can be, which mainly depends on the size of the room in which you are planning to install the device. You could also think of rearranging the decoration of the furniture in the room.
Afterward, you should do some research on the brands, the models, and the prices of the market on the Internet. With the information you find, you should prepare yourself to go to the store with an idea of what you want. Being sure of what you really want is important because in these cases, the salespeople often try to sell additional items to you, and they frequently happen to be items you don’t actually need, for example, home-theater systems.
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By Audrey Rose
The overwhelming power of high definition is contagious. Having that kind of technology at home is every day more craved by all the people. Flat-screen TVs are the solution for that craving. That’s the reason why it is so important to have all the possible information in order to select the most suitable flat-screen TV for us.
As you may already know, flat-screen TVs have a lot of advantages. For example, you can watch them from unthinkable angles for other kinds of TVs and the image is clearer and best defined. Since they are so thin, you may even hang them on the wall and have more room for some other items. Additionally, many of them are nowadays cheaper than their convex-screen predecessors, among so many other perks you can get out of purchasing this technological step forward.
When buying a flat-screen TV set you should begin by determining the amount of money you can count on for the purchase, and they way you want to pay for it. Paying the cheapest price in the market is not always the best choice, because you would be disregarding the quality of the appliance. As well, if you pay for a price you cannot afford, you could be purchasing a TV and a cause of eternal stress for you and your family. Bear in mind that plasma TVs are usually more expensive than the LCD ones.
After you have set your budget, it is time to analyze how big your TV can be, which mainly depends on the size of the room in which you are planning to install the device. You could also think of rearranging the decoration of the furniture in the room.
Afterward, you should do some research on the brands, the models, and the prices of the market on the Internet. With the information you find, you should prepare yourself to go to the store with an idea of what you want. Being sure of what you really want is important because in these cases, the salespeople often try to sell additional items to you, and they frequently happen to be items you don’t actually need, for example, home-theater systems.
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How to buy furniture?
How to buy furniture
Furnishing a house is not an easy task. It’s usually very difficult for us to decide what to buy and where to buy it, mainly because of the many kinds of furniture and furniture stores there are. This exciting mission can be even more difficult if we are not organized. That is why we offer here some tips and pieces of advice about furniture shopping.
First of all, it is necessary to know what we are looking for. Though we may like a huge couch, sometimes we do not have enough room for one, so it would be better to take down the measures of the rooms we want to furnish and the place where we intend to put each piece. Then a very important step is to be taken: determining the amount of money we are willing and able to spend. Afterward, identify your style and your house’s style. The Internet could help you a lot. Then decide what colors you would like to have around you and how to combine them. You should also make up your mind as to the materials, for example, if you want wood, or fabrics, etc.
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Furnishing a house is not an easy task. It’s usually very difficult for us to decide what to buy and where to buy it, mainly because of the many kinds of furniture and furniture stores there are. This exciting mission can be even more difficult if we are not organized. That is why we offer here some tips and pieces of advice about furniture shopping.
First of all, it is necessary to know what we are looking for. Though we may like a huge couch, sometimes we do not have enough room for one, so it would be better to take down the measures of the rooms we want to furnish and the place where we intend to put each piece. Then a very important step is to be taken: determining the amount of money we are willing and able to spend. Afterward, identify your style and your house’s style. The Internet could help you a lot. Then decide what colors you would like to have around you and how to combine them. You should also make up your mind as to the materials, for example, if you want wood, or fabrics, etc.
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How to declaw a cat
How to declaw a cat?
By Audrey Rose
Cats are known for scratching a lot. This behavior often bothers human beings because we think they do it to spoil our furniture or to hurt us, but it is actually nothing like that, cats need to scratch in order to get rid of old little pieces of nails that remain attached to their claws and make them uncomfortable. Training the cat into only scratching the toys and places we give them for that purpose is the best option, but sometimes this technique doesn’t work and many masters think of declawing their cats.
Cat declawing or onychectomy is a surgical procedure by means of which the nails of the cat are removed. But, actually, many people do not know that the procedure involves cutting off each toe up to the first joint. It is a very painful operation, even more than other common ones like sterilization, and the recovery tends to be a huge challenge to the health and well-being of the cat. There are also certain side-effects related to the pet’s balance.
The procedure for cat declawing has been modified through the years and nowadays the most recommended one is laser declawing. Laser declawing is less invasive and it causes less pain and swelling. The veterinarians always point out that the cat to be declawed must be older than four months, but they should not be too old either, because the recovery could be more painful and difficult. After cats have taken that surgery, their paws are extremely sensitive, and the small grains of sand or clay in their sandboxes are sure to cause them an extra-pain, that is why it is highly recommended to put paper on the surface. If the cat has too much bleeding, or swelling, or if it is not able to use its paws properly after one day, the owner should get the cat to the vet.
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By Audrey Rose
Cats are known for scratching a lot. This behavior often bothers human beings because we think they do it to spoil our furniture or to hurt us, but it is actually nothing like that, cats need to scratch in order to get rid of old little pieces of nails that remain attached to their claws and make them uncomfortable. Training the cat into only scratching the toys and places we give them for that purpose is the best option, but sometimes this technique doesn’t work and many masters think of declawing their cats.
Cat declawing or onychectomy is a surgical procedure by means of which the nails of the cat are removed. But, actually, many people do not know that the procedure involves cutting off each toe up to the first joint. It is a very painful operation, even more than other common ones like sterilization, and the recovery tends to be a huge challenge to the health and well-being of the cat. There are also certain side-effects related to the pet’s balance.
The procedure for cat declawing has been modified through the years and nowadays the most recommended one is laser declawing. Laser declawing is less invasive and it causes less pain and swelling. The veterinarians always point out that the cat to be declawed must be older than four months, but they should not be too old either, because the recovery could be more painful and difficult. After cats have taken that surgery, their paws are extremely sensitive, and the small grains of sand or clay in their sandboxes are sure to cause them an extra-pain, that is why it is highly recommended to put paper on the surface. If the cat has too much bleeding, or swelling, or if it is not able to use its paws properly after one day, the owner should get the cat to the vet.
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How to file for alimony or spousal support
How to file for alimony or spousal support?
When a married couple decides to get a divorce, one of the spouses is usually more affected than the other. But apart from the obvious emotional scar that a divorce carries with it, the financial side of the story cannot be disregarded. In many cases women are in a vulnerable financial situation after a long marriage in which they played the role of the housewife, so when a divorce occurs they aren’t in the position to provide for themselves. In such cases alimony is a recurrent resource used by the attorneys in order to help solve the problem.
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When a married couple decides to get a divorce, one of the spouses is usually more affected than the other. But apart from the obvious emotional scar that a divorce carries with it, the financial side of the story cannot be disregarded. In many cases women are in a vulnerable financial situation after a long marriage in which they played the role of the housewife, so when a divorce occurs they aren’t in the position to provide for themselves. In such cases alimony is a recurrent resource used by the attorneys in order to help solve the problem.
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How to file for disability.
How to file for disability
When a person suffers from any disability, his or her life becomes difficult and many challenges have to be overcome. Earning money is one of those challenges. In order to help them improve their quality of life and feel better about their condition, the Social Security Administration has implemented two disability programs: Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Social Security Disability (SSDI) is a program that takes into account the work history of the applicant. He or she must have worked for at least five years out of the ten years before becoming disabled. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is intended to help disabled people with low income. In this case it doesn’t matter if the applicant has never worked at all.
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When a person suffers from any disability, his or her life becomes difficult and many challenges have to be overcome. Earning money is one of those challenges. In order to help them improve their quality of life and feel better about their condition, the Social Security Administration has implemented two disability programs: Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Social Security Disability (SSDI) is a program that takes into account the work history of the applicant. He or she must have worked for at least five years out of the ten years before becoming disabled. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is intended to help disabled people with low income. In this case it doesn’t matter if the applicant has never worked at all.
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How to get child support
How to get child support
A divorce settlement, a family support case, a paternity action or an interstate case are situations that could involve a child support order. But, what is child support? Child support is the amount of money that a court decides one of the parents has to pay for the support and well-being of his or her child. This order is effective until the child is 18 years old, though the court may decide to extend its effectiveness until the child finishes full-time studies.
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A divorce settlement, a family support case, a paternity action or an interstate case are situations that could involve a child support order. But, what is child support? Child support is the amount of money that a court decides one of the parents has to pay for the support and well-being of his or her child. This order is effective until the child is 18 years old, though the court may decide to extend its effectiveness until the child finishes full-time studies.
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How to increase your breast size.
How to increase your breast size?
Having big breasts is a dream and an aspiration for many women. It sometimes becomes an obsession. It is well-known that men are usually more physically attracted to women with big breasts and that almost all the clothes look better when they are well filled. Luckily, several methods have been created in order to give us the opportunity to increase the size of our cup and feel better about ourselves. Exercise, moisturizing creams, pills, surgery, among many other ways, are the resources we have to enhance our breasts.
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Having big breasts is a dream and an aspiration for many women. It sometimes becomes an obsession. It is well-known that men are usually more physically attracted to women with big breasts and that almost all the clothes look better when they are well filled. Luckily, several methods have been created in order to give us the opportunity to increase the size of our cup and feel better about ourselves. Exercise, moisturizing creams, pills, surgery, among many other ways, are the resources we have to enhance our breasts.
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How to keep your lawn green.
How to keep your lawn green
Having a green lawn is the dream of many, many of us. The image of the ideal garden or yard always pops into our minds with very bright and strong greens and colorful flowers, and then we wonder why the grass in our gardens is not that green and what we could do about it. In fact, there are many things we can do in order to keep our lawns as green as those from the movies.
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Having a green lawn is the dream of many, many of us. The image of the ideal garden or yard always pops into our minds with very bright and strong greens and colorful flowers, and then we wonder why the grass in our gardens is not that green and what we could do about it. In fact, there are many things we can do in order to keep our lawns as green as those from the movies.
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How to pay for my pregnancy.
How to pay for my pregnancy
Pregnancy is a fascinating experience for most women. However, during this experience the mothers-to-be are usually more vulnerable and many unexpected health problems may come out. That is why it is so important to have any possible inconvenience covered. A great deal of women already has a health insurance when they get pregnant. Nevertheless, about 13% of the pregnant women get to that phase in their lives uninsured.
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Pregnancy is a fascinating experience for most women. However, during this experience the mothers-to-be are usually more vulnerable and many unexpected health problems may come out. That is why it is so important to have any possible inconvenience covered. A great deal of women already has a health insurance when they get pregnant. Nevertheless, about 13% of the pregnant women get to that phase in their lives uninsured.
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How to play the piano?
How to play piano?
Playing the piano is a very difficult endeavor. Years of dedication and hard study are needed in order to master this art. Talent is also fundamental. Many people who like piano a lot spend years taking lessons and they finally get to perform several plays, but they never get to be great at it. On the other hand, many others discover they like piano and begin to take lessons and in a short time they are even better than those that have spent half their lives completely devoted to playing the instrument. From this we can conclude that a strong combination of hard work and talent is necessary if we want to excel at this activity.
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Playing the piano is a very difficult endeavor. Years of dedication and hard study are needed in order to master this art. Talent is also fundamental. Many people who like piano a lot spend years taking lessons and they finally get to perform several plays, but they never get to be great at it. On the other hand, many others discover they like piano and begin to take lessons and in a short time they are even better than those that have spent half their lives completely devoted to playing the instrument. From this we can conclude that a strong combination of hard work and talent is necessary if we want to excel at this activity.
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How to replace a windshield
How to replace a windshield?
When a car suffers a front collision, the windshield tends to crack. Windshields are made with toughened glass, which requires a lot of pressure in order to be put assembled. That is the reason why it should be replaced even if it doesn’t completely break, but only cracks a bit, because, due to all that pressure, the crack will continue to expand and there could be an explosion of the glass. There are many people that see the replacement of a car’s windshield as very difficult task, and it is actually difficult, but it doesn’t men that it cannot be done.
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When a car suffers a front collision, the windshield tends to crack. Windshields are made with toughened glass, which requires a lot of pressure in order to be put assembled. That is the reason why it should be replaced even if it doesn’t completely break, but only cracks a bit, because, due to all that pressure, the crack will continue to expand and there could be an explosion of the glass. There are many people that see the replacement of a car’s windshield as very difficult task, and it is actually difficult, but it doesn’t men that it cannot be done.
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How to stop gambling
How to stop gambling
Gambling usually begins as an “innocent game”. The excitement of the game and the possibility of winning money with it, frequently lead people to gambling until they are out of money. If this practice becomes habitual we could be in front of a case of gambling addiction. It is important to know the symptoms of this addiction in order to avoid them and to know when to stop, or when and where to look for help.
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Gambling usually begins as an “innocent game”. The excitement of the game and the possibility of winning money with it, frequently lead people to gambling until they are out of money. If this practice becomes habitual we could be in front of a case of gambling addiction. It is important to know the symptoms of this addiction in order to avoid them and to know when to stop, or when and where to look for help.
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Online School
Online School
Online or virtual schools are an alternative way of education for those who prefer or need to take courses and obtain their degrees from their own homes. Anyone that navigates through the web will be able to find a wealth of courses of all kinds, but if you don’t want to waste your time and want your effort to be acknowledged later on by employers and peers, it is advisable that you only take courses from accredited online schools.
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Online or virtual schools are an alternative way of education for those who prefer or need to take courses and obtain their degrees from their own homes. Anyone that navigates through the web will be able to find a wealth of courses of all kinds, but if you don’t want to waste your time and want your effort to be acknowledged later on by employers and peers, it is advisable that you only take courses from accredited online schools.
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How to make moonshine?
How to make moonshine?
The Prohibition of Alcohol in the United States (1920-1933), was an unsuccessful attempt of the government to decrease the ingestion of alcohol by forbidding its production and distribution. During this dark period, the illegal activities related to the “forbidden beverage” flourished. Many people began to manufacture home-made alcohol for their own consumption and also for sale. A wide range of bootleg alcoholic beverages were created and improved. One of the most famous ones is moonshine. Its name is due to the fact that it had to be manufactured at nights, so that the makers were not caught.
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The Prohibition of Alcohol in the United States (1920-1933), was an unsuccessful attempt of the government to decrease the ingestion of alcohol by forbidding its production and distribution. During this dark period, the illegal activities related to the “forbidden beverage” flourished. Many people began to manufacture home-made alcohol for their own consumption and also for sale. A wide range of bootleg alcoholic beverages were created and improved. One of the most famous ones is moonshine. Its name is due to the fact that it had to be manufactured at nights, so that the makers were not caught.
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How to play Sudoku?
Sudoku is a Japanese word that could be translated into English as “single number” (where “su” means “number” and “doku” means “single”). This fact could be somehow misleading, because we might get to think that the popular puzzle that has this name was originated in Japan. However, the creation of Sudoku took place in the United States.
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Sudoku is a Japanese word that could be translated into English as “single number” (where “su” means “number” and “doku” means “single”). This fact could be somehow misleading, because we might get to think that the popular puzzle that has this name was originated in Japan. However, the creation of Sudoku took place in the United States.
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jueves, 29 de julio de 2010
Poker Card Game
There are plenty of card games in the world, and many of them are as internationally well-know as famous singers are. Card games are played with the deck of playing cards that is good for the specific game we intend to take part in, and these cards must have the same size and shape. Each of them is divided into two sides, one named “face” and another one named “back”. The backs of the cards are meant to avoid that the players who don’t hold the cards can see the face of them and also their value. All cards are identified by their faces. All the players using a deck to play will know the cards that make it up.
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National Park Travel
Nature is definitely wise. Everything we have today is closely related to it; even the most sophisticated devices either come from it or work thanks to it. Human beings are not the exception, but what is different about us is that we are the ones that were given enough power to transform our environment in our interest, but sometimes we have disregarded Nature’s best interest.
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How to build your own plane
You have probably wondered some time how it is that men have been able to create and get to the air, flying objects as impressive and big as those built by a long list of manufacturers from all over the world.
Among these amazing creations are those produced by prestigious brands like the American Boeing, with its representative jumbo, the B747 that, for more than three decades, used to be the largest passenger plane in the world; the European Airbus, which owns the current super-giant, the A380; and the Antonov, from Russia, with its impressive freight model An225.
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Among these amazing creations are those produced by prestigious brands like the American Boeing, with its representative jumbo, the B747 that, for more than three decades, used to be the largest passenger plane in the world; the European Airbus, which owns the current super-giant, the A380; and the Antonov, from Russia, with its impressive freight model An225.
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Cómo construir tu propio avión
Seguramente te has preguntado alguna vez cómo el hombre ha sido capaz de crear y poner en el aire aparatos voladores de tan grande envergadura como los construidos por una larga lista de fabricantes de todo el mundo.
Impresionan por su inmensidad los producidos por firmas de reconocido prestigio como la norteamericana Boeing, con su jumbo insignia, el B747 que por más de tres décadas fue el avión comercial más grande del mundo; la europea Airbus, poseedora del supergigante actual de los cielos, el A380, y la Antonov, de Rusia, con su impresionante modelo de carga An225.
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Impresionan por su inmensidad los producidos por firmas de reconocido prestigio como la norteamericana Boeing, con su jumbo insignia, el B747 que por más de tres décadas fue el avión comercial más grande del mundo; la europea Airbus, poseedora del supergigante actual de los cielos, el A380, y la Antonov, de Rusia, con su impresionante modelo de carga An225.
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How to choose a vegetarian restaurant
Vegetarianism used to be an isolated phenomenon, since not many people used to practice it. In the last years, however, it has had a great boom and people everywhere are becoming vegetarians. In the United States, this trend has been supported by the opening of many vegetarian restaurants in every state and city.
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How to find the volume of geometric figures
Geometry is undoubtedly one of the greatest headaches for students in all levels. It takes our breath away because of all the formulas we have to memorize, even more if they are three-dimensional figures, like the cylinder, the rectangular prism, the sphere, the pyramid, and the cone.
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How to desalinate water at home
As the world population grows, shortages of fresh water are being predicted to occur more frequently, in certain places of the planet. In some spots, seawater is turned into freshwater for drinking. Water desalination is an old technique human beings have been using for centuries to do this transformation, but in the last years it has been widely spread through the whole world. It is extremely useful, taking into account that the greatest part of the Earth’s water is saline. Seawater isn’t right for human consumption, at least not until it is desalinated.
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Cómo poner pisos
Esta importante tarea requiere tener muy en cuenta un grupo de elementos entre los que figuran: el lugar donde quedará puesto, las dimensiones de las losas, su color, superficie y diseño.
Para cubrir espacios exteriores es primordial garantizar que la superficie a cubrir quede siempre por encima del nivel que alcanza el agua cuando llueve y lograr una inclinación que asegure el drenaje del agua derramada sobre el piso hacia afuera o en dirección a los registros colectores. En habitaciones interiores se recomienda evitar, siempre que sea posible, los desniveles.
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Para cubrir espacios exteriores es primordial garantizar que la superficie a cubrir quede siempre por encima del nivel que alcanza el agua cuando llueve y lograr una inclinación que asegure el drenaje del agua derramada sobre el piso hacia afuera o en dirección a los registros colectores. En habitaciones interiores se recomienda evitar, siempre que sea posible, los desniveles.
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lunes, 26 de julio de 2010
Myth that every child should know
The editor and publishers wish to express their appreciation of the courtesy of Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Dodd, Mead & Co., and the Macmillan
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Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children
If the Red Children had not welcomed the writer to their lodge fires, these stories the Iroquois tell their children could not have been retold.
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Aesop' Fables
Aesop embodies an epigram not uncommon in human history; his fame is all the more deserved because he never deserved it.
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The Laughing Prince
In calling this A Book of Jugoslav Fairy Tales and Folk Tales I have used the word Jugoslav in its literal sense of Southern Slav. The Bulgars
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The Indian Fairy Book
The following stories have been, time out of mind, in their original form, recited around the lodge-fires and under the trees, by the Indian story-t
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viernes, 23 de julio de 2010
Negative Calories
That is the way that calories contained in foods possessing relatively few calories are called. They force you to spend more calories on the digestion than those contained in this food itself. Calories "negative" as such do not exist, it's just a defining term for this type of food, which spends more calories and provide less.
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Antioxidants friends
Known since the late nineteenth, it began to be studied by chemists in the early twentieth century as agents that prevent or delay the oxidation of other molecules. It seems paradoxical, because while the vast majority of complex life requires oxygen for its existence and oxidation reactions are crucial for living organisms, oxygen can also damage them. Although 90 percent of inhaled oxygen is beneficially consumed in the mitochondria, main components of cells, about two per cent is transformed into free radicals, now called "reactive oxygen species”.
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Obesity and alcoholic drinks
Since mankind learned to take advantage of fermentation it produces alcohol, and from the Paleolithic era, when Homo sapiens lived in Europe, it seems that there were already some people happily drinking this liquid company. In our Christian era alcohol consumption has increased indiscriminately favored by the production of new drinks such as rum, gin, brandy, whiskey and other.
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How to get a divorce?
Divorce is one of the most widespread phenomena of modern life. Many people see it as their only way out of a marriage that has not been what they expected, and some others see it as a very good way to make money. Its is real that nowadays getting a divorce is not as complicated and disapproved as it used to be, though in some countries with more conservative cultures people don’t support divorce, especially for women, but it is still a hard process in which we definitely spend a lot of time and money
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miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010
Olive oil, liquid gold in the kitchen
Mainly of culinary use "liquid gold" is the popular name for olive oil because of its many virtues.
It is extracted from the freshly picked olive and the world's largest manufacturers are in the vicinity of the Mediterranean, beeing Spain the world's largest producer.It has also been used for medicinal purposes, religious, and as well as fuel for lamps. In ancient Greece, athletes were anointed with it before competition. The first references to the olive tree are found in the Upper Paleolithic (12,000 years BC), and its cultivation began in ancient Egypt by 2000 BC).
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It is extracted from the freshly picked olive and the world's largest manufacturers are in the vicinity of the Mediterranean, beeing Spain the world's largest producer.It has also been used for medicinal purposes, religious, and as well as fuel for lamps. In ancient Greece, athletes were anointed with it before competition. The first references to the olive tree are found in the Upper Paleolithic (12,000 years BC), and its cultivation began in ancient Egypt by 2000 BC).
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The story of Rosa Parks
At the heart of a southern state, Birmingham, Alabama, was a deeply segregated city, and its bus system was not the exception. In every bus the front seats were for whites only; blacks could just sit in the middle or rear seats. However, if there were whites already sitting in the front, blacks could just get on to pay their fare, then they had to get off and reenter through the back door.
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Bluefish and Juvenile Intelligence
When the brain performs a function it does it like a symphony orchestra, where several areas interact with each other. Although the brain represents only between 1.5 and 2 % of all the weight of the human body, it processes sensory information, controls and coordinates movement and is responsible for cognition or knowledge, emotions, memory and learning. Its energy consumption in the form of oxygen and glucose is about 20% of the whole organism.
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Does water make you fat?
Water has been a source of bitter controversy between those who believe, often obese, that water makes you fat and the other side, which embrace the opposite view. However, following the paths of logic, there is a third possibility, at least theoretically: water helps to lose weight? We will, through logic, show which are the paths and actions of water in the human body.
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The real meaning of The Story of an Hour?
At the time that The Story of an Hour was written, the Victorian Era, women didn’t have many rights. They couldn’t vote or go to school, for they were considered ornaments whose job was to take care of their house and raise the children. In fact, only in 1852 a law was passed giving women the right to sue for divorce, and another law followed in 1857, giving them the right to keep their children after divorce.
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martes, 20 de julio de 2010
Requisitos de la ciudadanía española
Una persona puede adquirir la nacionalidad española en circunstancias diversas, por lo cual teniendo en cuenta las diferentes vías de adquisición existen seis categorías relacionadas con el tema: nacionalidad originaria, por residencia, por opción, por carta de naturaleza, con valor de simple presunción, o por posesión de estado; cada una de ellas describe un modo específico de acceder a la nacionalidad española e implica un conjunto de especial de requisitos a cumplir.
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¿Cómo es el proceso para obtener la ciudadanía española?
La ciudadanía española puede adquirirse por diferentes vías de acuerdo a los requisitos que reúna cada persona. Te ayudaremos a través de estas líneas con uno de los procesos más comunes en estos momentos entre los ciudadanos extranjeros, para la adjudicación de la nacionalidad española, el de la obtención de la Nacionalidad Española de Origen en virtud de la Ley de Memoria Histórica aprobada en el año 2007, cuyo plazo vence en diciembre de 2010.
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Creacionismo vs. Evolucionismo
¿Cuál es el origen de las especies incluyendo el homo sapiens? Esa es la problemática central que ha armado históricamente tanto revuelo. La pregunta que se hacían todos los biólogos en el siglo XIX, era ¿cómo se originaban las especies?
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Evolución humana
La evolución de los seres vivos es el hecho básico para deducir de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos como especie. La posibilidad de interpretar las estructuras y procesos biológicos de manera probabilística la ofrece la teoría de Charles Darwin acerca de la evolución de las especies. La adaptación es el producto de un fenómeno llamado selección natural, y se necesitan mecanismos explicativos para describir como unas especies se derivaron de otras.
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lunes, 19 de julio de 2010
Descargas gratuitas de música: la última moda
Algunos prefieren escucharla en lugares públicos, otros en la intimidad de su casa, otros mientras caminan, otros mientras se dan un baño, en fin, existen infinidad de lugares y de ocasiones propicios para escuchar música y dejarnos llevar por sus notas.
Trasplante de Riñón
España es el país líder a escala mundial en materia de trasplantes renales, durante el año 2009 se alcanzaron las cifras más altas de estas cirugías, prevaleciendo los donantes vivos con relación a los fallecidos. El modelo español de trasplantes, basado fundamentalmente en la solidaridad y la calidad, constituye, teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, un ejemplo a imitar por parte de los países de la Comunidad Económica Europea y del mundo en general.
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Uñas de gel o acrílicas
Las uñas de gel o acrílicas están muy de moda en la actualidad, por lo que si te dedicas a hacer la manicura puede ser una buena opción que tomes un curso para adquirir los conocimientos sobre este tema.
Aprendiendo técnicas y secretos
Aprendiendo técnicas y secretos
La deforestación en el amazonas
La deforestación es la acción y el efecto de deforestar, que significa despojar un terreno de sus árboles y plantas. Es provocada generalmente por la acción humana sobre la naturaleza, en la que se destruye la superficie forestal, ya sea por talas para industrias madereras, para cultivos o simplemente para asentamientos construyendo carreteras y viviendas.
Esta trae consigo graves problema al planeta.
Veamos en el siguiente artículo los efectos de la deforestación sobre el Amazonas.
La deforestación en el amazonas
Esta trae consigo graves problema al planeta.
Veamos en el siguiente artículo los efectos de la deforestación sobre el Amazonas.
La deforestación en el amazonas
domingo, 18 de julio de 2010
Evolución humana
La evolución de los seres vivos es el hecho básico para deducir de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos como especie. La posibilidad de interpretar las estructuras y procesos biológicos de manera probabilística la ofrece la teoría de Charles Darwin acerca de la evolución de las especies. La adaptación es el producto de un fenómeno llamado selección natural, y se necesitan mecanismos explicativos para describir como unas especies se derivaron de otras.
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¿Cómo averiguar el origen de mis apellidos?
La existencia de los apellidos responde a la necesidad de los hombres de identificarse entre sí de una manera más precisa, los nombres pueden repetirse, pero la combinación con los apellidos obtenidos por línea paterna y materna, es menos probable que se encuentre en más de un individuo. Los orígenes de los apellidos son diversos, muchos hacen referencia al nombre de una persona, es el caso de los hijos cuyo nombre alude al de su padre, esto es muy propio de culturas hispanas y se identifica por la terminación “ez” al final del apellido, ejemplo de ello es ...
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sábado, 17 de julio de 2010
Amistad funesta
Ser cultos es el único modo de ser libres, decía Martí; y que mejor forma de ser cultos que leyendo y estudiando su obra.
Es por ello que hoy les regalo este artículo, para que todos podamos acceder a la obra martiana, para que se enriquezcan nuestras almas y se colmen de esa sabiduría que El Maestro, impresa en sus escritos nos supo dejar.
Es por ello que hoy les regalo este artículo, para que todos podamos acceder a la obra martiana, para que se enriquezcan nuestras almas y se colmen de esa sabiduría que El Maestro, impresa en sus escritos nos supo dejar.
En tren desde Barcelona hasta Francia
Viajar en tren es una tradición en Europa. Si esta es la vía que ha elegido para realizar su viaje Barcelona – Francia, le recomendamos se documente sobre las características de la opción seleccionada para que planifique su viaje a conciencia, de la manera más apropiada a sus gustos y necesidades.
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Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte
Hay les regalo este libro que de seguro sacará de sus ojos lagrimas de emoción y sensaciones perdidas.
Este libro tiene 18 historias de amor, locura y muerte y fue escrito por HORACIO QUIROGA en 1917. Es un excelente libro para aquellos que gustan de historias fuertes y conmovedoras.
Sin más preámbulos, aquí les va:
Este libro tiene 18 historias de amor, locura y muerte y fue escrito por HORACIO QUIROGA en 1917. Es un excelente libro para aquellos que gustan de historias fuertes y conmovedoras.
Sin más preámbulos, aquí les va:
viernes, 16 de julio de 2010
Como hacer una tarta de manzana??
Las tartas son deliciosas ¿a quién no le gustan las tartas?
Las hay de diferentes sabores, de arándanos, de melocotón, de limón y de muchas otras frutas .Este articulo les enseña a realizar una sabrosa tarta de manzana que de seguro les va a encantar.
Aquí les va
Como hacer una tarta de manzana
Las hay de diferentes sabores, de arándanos, de melocotón, de limón y de muchas otras frutas .Este articulo les enseña a realizar una sabrosa tarta de manzana que de seguro les va a encantar.
Aquí les va
Como hacer una tarta de manzana
Cómo escribir un discurso??
Un discurso, en su acepción más general, es una relación organizada y fundamentada, de ideas sobre uno o varios temas que se lee o expone en público. Puede definirse también como la expresión oral de una tesis ante un grupo de personas. Como regla, es breve y su duración no rebasa los diez minutos.
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Llamadas gratis por internet
La tecnología ha evolucionado rápidamente en los últimos años logrando lo que parecía imposible. Se pueden hacer ya todo tipo de cosas por internet, hablar con amigos del otro lado del mundo en tiempo real, hacer compras sin pararte siquiera del asiento, Leer todo tipo de libros sin ir a la biblioteca , y esto es por mencionar lo más común . ¿Porque no entonces realizar llamadas gratis a través de la internet?
Aquí les dejo un ARTÍCULO que aborda más sobre el tema.
Llamadas gratis por internet
Aquí les dejo un ARTÍCULO que aborda más sobre el tema.
Llamadas gratis por internet
Plantas de interior
Es una maravillosa opción la de poner plantas en el interior de nuestra casa, estas embellecen nuestro hogar dándole un toque fresco que recuerda a los entornos naturales. Las plantas le dan frescura a nuestro hogar y emanan una energía positiva además de un aire más fresco y saludable. Si tu elección ha sido decorar tú hogar con bellas plantas de interior aquí te va un artículo que abarca un poco más sobre este tema.
jueves, 15 de julio de 2010
Bonsai es una palabra japonesa que significa literalmente bon = bandeja + sai = naturaleza (aunque procede del término chino penjing o penzai, que significa pén = bandeja + zāi = cultivar) y consiste en el arte de cultivar árboles y plantas, reduciendo su tamaño mediante técnicas, como el trasplante, la poda, el alambrado, el pinzado, etc., y modelando su forma para crear un estilo que nos recuerde una escena de la naturaleza.
Cultivar un Bonsái es un trabajo que requiere de mucha paciencia y dedicación, pero todos , si nos lo proponemos podemos cultivar uno y los artículos siguientes non podrán ser de gran ayuda.
¿Cómo podar un bonsái?
¿Cómo hacer un Bonsái Olivo?
¿Qué debes hacer para cuidar de un bonsái?
Cultivar un Bonsái es un trabajo que requiere de mucha paciencia y dedicación, pero todos , si nos lo proponemos podemos cultivar uno y los artículos siguientes non podrán ser de gran ayuda.
¿Cómo podar un bonsái?
¿Cómo hacer un Bonsái Olivo?
¿Qué debes hacer para cuidar de un bonsái?
Consumo de DROGAS
Prevenir el consumo de drogas, es Definitivamente un reto para todos. Este es un tema que nos llega muy de cerca pues cada día vemos más personas que pierden hasta la vida por el consumo de las drogas. Es un problema grave pues las personas no parecen comprender realmente la gravedad del asunto y no temen para nada introducirse en ese mundo de perdición y desesperación.
Cada cuales dueño de sus decisiones y no podemos imponerles nada, solo advertirles y mostrarles lo peligroso que puede ser este camino.
Para que se informen más sobre el tema les dejo estos artículos.
Cada cuales dueño de sus decisiones y no podemos imponerles nada, solo advertirles y mostrarles lo peligroso que puede ser este camino.
Para que se informen más sobre el tema les dejo estos artículos.
Violencia de género. Un peligro que no desaparece
La Organización Mundial de la Salud define la violencia de género como la violencia específica contra las mujeres, utilizada como instrumento para mantener la discriminación, la desigualdad y las relaciones de poder de los hombres sobre las mujeres. Comprende la violencia física, sexual y psicológica,…
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Los más famosos juegos de muchachos
El juego es un momento muy importante en la vida de un niño, no solo porque se divierten, sino también porque aprenden. Mediante el juego los niños imitan lo que ven realizar a los mayores cada día y de esta forma se preparan para la vida. El Juego además les ejercita y les hace perder esa energía inagotable.
Les dejo este artículo que les comentará un poco más sobre esos juegos famosos que jugamos en nuestra infancia y que ahora juegan nuestros hijos.
Aquí les va.
Los más famosos juegos de muchachos
Les dejo este artículo que les comentará un poco más sobre esos juegos famosos que jugamos en nuestra infancia y que ahora juegan nuestros hijos.
Aquí les va.
Los más famosos juegos de muchachos
¿Cómo Hacer Dinero Online?
Esta es a pregunta que en los últimos tiempos tiene muchas respuestas, pero no todas son acertadas, ni tan reales como las hacen ver. Hay que tener mucho cuidado pues nadie regala dinero así como así y es muy importante tener en cuenta que aunque es posible ganar dinero online, esto no será de la noche a la mañana.
Este artículo les comenta un poco mas sobre este tema y les da algunos consejos de gran utilidad.
Pincha aquí
Este artículo les comenta un poco mas sobre este tema y les da algunos consejos de gran utilidad.
Pincha aquí
Las redes sociales son un espacio en Internet de uso cada día más amplio, a través del mismo las personas se comunican, intercambian imágenes, videos, conocen a otras con gustos similares, encuentran viejos conocidos, en fin puede decirse que realizan una activa vida social, aunque de carácter virtual.
Como todo nuevo acontecimiento con implicación social tiene adeptos y detractores, entre estos últimos se encuentran los que aducen razones tales como... Mas
Como todo nuevo acontecimiento con implicación social tiene adeptos y detractores, entre estos últimos se encuentran los que aducen razones tales como... Mas
lunes, 5 de julio de 2010
Como prepararse para enfrentar un evento meteorológico
Hoy en día, con la contaminación mundial, aparecen cada vez más eventos meteorológicos que se manifiestan con más fuerza que nunca. Necesitamos estar preparados ante cualquier situación.
Aquí les dejo unos link con información sobre:
Como prepararse para enfrentar un huracán
Cómo prepararse para enfrentar un tornado
Aquí les dejo unos link con información sobre:
Como prepararse para enfrentar un huracán
Cómo prepararse para enfrentar un tornado
Belleza: pestañas
Los ojos son la ventana del alma
Pero: ¿ que seria de los ojos sin las pestañas?, ¿ seguirían teniendo tanta fama?
Quien sabe, pero lo que si sé, es que para las mujeres no seria igual, las pestañas le dan belleza a nuestros ojos, los vigoriza, les da fuerza, esto hablando desde un punto de vista visual.
La mujeres les prestamos mucha atención a las pestañas, nos gusta tenerlas largas, curvas hacia arriba para darle elegancia, pintarlas para que se vean mejor, en fin, arreglarlas lo mejor que podamos.
Aquí les van entonces unos artículos que nos regalan unos consejitos muy interesantes.
Como alargar tus pestañas
Ideas para riza tus pestañas
Pero: ¿ que seria de los ojos sin las pestañas?, ¿ seguirían teniendo tanta fama?
Quien sabe, pero lo que si sé, es que para las mujeres no seria igual, las pestañas le dan belleza a nuestros ojos, los vigoriza, les da fuerza, esto hablando desde un punto de vista visual.
La mujeres les prestamos mucha atención a las pestañas, nos gusta tenerlas largas, curvas hacia arriba para darle elegancia, pintarlas para que se vean mejor, en fin, arreglarlas lo mejor que podamos.
Aquí les van entonces unos artículos que nos regalan unos consejitos muy interesantes.
Como alargar tus pestañas
Ideas para riza tus pestañas
Conducción y Bebida
La televisión, la radio, la prensa, todos los medios están ya cansados de hablar sobre lo peligroso que es tomar bebidas alcohólicas cuando se esta manejando, bien lo dice el dicho
“El alcohol y el timón no ligan”
Pero las personas no hacen caso y es impensable la cantidad de familias que han quedado destruidas por esta razón, los niños que han quedado huérfanos, los padres que han perdido hijos, en fin, el dolor que ha causado esta fatal combinación.
El siguiente artículo intenta persuadir una vez más a todas las personas y les aborda un poco más sobre el tema.
“El alcohol y el timón no ligan”
Pero las personas no hacen caso y es impensable la cantidad de familias que han quedado destruidas por esta razón, los niños que han quedado huérfanos, los padres que han perdido hijos, en fin, el dolor que ha causado esta fatal combinación.
El siguiente artículo intenta persuadir una vez más a todas las personas y les aborda un poco más sobre el tema.
Tratamientos para la depresión
La depresión es una enfermedad clínica severa que afecta al cerebro. Este trastorno puede tener una tendencia familiar y suele comenzar entre los 15 y los 30 años de edad. Es mucho más común en las mujeres...
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El abuso infantil
Aun cuando no creamos que pueda suceder, el abuso infantil ocurre cada vez con más frecuencia en la sociedad actual. Es difícil pensar que existen personas con ideas tan macabras como esas, pero desgraciadamente este es un problema real que nos afecta a todos y de manera más cruel a nuestros niños. Según estudios se ha demostrado que la mayor parte de los abusos ocurren por personas cercanas, personas que se aprovechan de la confianza que se les da y que además de abusar, amenazan a los niños, los cuales permanecen callados por miedo a que no se les crea o se les regañen, se sienten culpables.
El siguiente artículo les da algunos consejos para prevenir el abuso infantil:
Consejos para prevenir el abuso infantil
El siguiente artículo les da algunos consejos para prevenir el abuso infantil:
Consejos para prevenir el abuso infantil
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010
Aprender a dibujar
Hola, como en este blog tenemos para todos los gustos, hoy les tengo algo para aquellos que son aficionados al dibujo.
Realmente pintar es algo muy relajante y le hace muy bien tanto al cuerpo como a la mente desarrollar tu imaginación y plasmarla en imágenes, papel, un lienzo o algo más moderno, digital. Pero de una forma u otra dibujar es una actividad que desarrolla habilidades, principalmente en los niños, aunque los adultos lo tienen como una manera de liberar estrés.
Aquí les va un artículo muy interesante que nos da consejos para aprender a dibujar
Pincha aqui
Realmente pintar es algo muy relajante y le hace muy bien tanto al cuerpo como a la mente desarrollar tu imaginación y plasmarla en imágenes, papel, un lienzo o algo más moderno, digital. Pero de una forma u otra dibujar es una actividad que desarrolla habilidades, principalmente en los niños, aunque los adultos lo tienen como una manera de liberar estrés.
Aquí les va un artículo muy interesante que nos da consejos para aprender a dibujar
Pincha aqui
Contaminación del aire
La contaminación es un problema grave que afecta actualmente en alto grado a la sociedad mundial .Las personas prefieren vivir ajenas a ello pues piensan que sus efectos no les causará problemas, porque ya no estarán vivas, nada mas lejos de la realidad. Hoy día ya vivimos los efectos de la contaminación, evidenciándose en el aumentos de temperaturas , los eventos atmosféricos como ciclones , tifones , tornados , todos estos cada ves mas fuerte y frecuentes y hasta en lugares en los que nunca se habían visto. Pienso que es importante ponerle un alto a esto ya y darse cuenta de que es tiempo de solucionar problemas, no de crear nuevos.
Les dejo un link sobre la contaminación del aire que me pareció muy interesante.
Contaminación del aire: un problema real
Les dejo un link sobre la contaminación del aire que me pareció muy interesante.
Contaminación del aire: un problema real
Programas gratis mas conocidos para editar video
Si has tenido una fiesta y has grabado un video para recordar el evento y además deseas editar este sin pagar un centavo necesitarás un programa experto para realizar esta tarea, pero :
¿Que programa elegir?
¿Como saber cual es mejor?
En el siguiente artículo se mencionan algunos de los programas gratuitos que existen para la edición de video y se muestra una descripción de algunos de ellos de manera que podrán conocer algo más sobre ellos y decidirse por alguno.
Espero que les sea de mucha ayuda.
Aquí les va el link
Programas gratis mas conocidos para editar video
¿Que programa elegir?
¿Como saber cual es mejor?
En el siguiente artículo se mencionan algunos de los programas gratuitos que existen para la edición de video y se muestra una descripción de algunos de ellos de manera que podrán conocer algo más sobre ellos y decidirse por alguno.
Espero que les sea de mucha ayuda.
Aquí les va el link
Programas gratis mas conocidos para editar video
¿Como hacer un árbol genealógico?
Por determinada razón hay momentos en los que nos haría mucha falta conocer quienes fueron nuestros antepasados, los padres de los padres de los padres,…, de nuestros padres o algo así. En fin, nos haría falta conocer nuestro árbol genealógico completo o al menos una parte de él .Pero es en ese momento donde nos paramos y nos preguntamos ¿Cómo construir nuestro árbol genealógico?
No es una tarea fácil en verdad, es necesario dedicarle tiempo y dedicación y aun así no será suficiente, pero no es imposible. En este link se encuentra un artículo que les dará una guía de cómo lograrlo, ya sea usando un software o contratando a un experto.
No es una tarea fácil en verdad, es necesario dedicarle tiempo y dedicación y aun así no será suficiente, pero no es imposible. En este link se encuentra un artículo que les dará una guía de cómo lograrlo, ya sea usando un software o contratando a un experto.
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010
¿Cómo hacer que un perro deje de ladrar?
¿Hay algo más molesto que el ladrido de un perro justo cuando deseas tomarte una siesta?
¿Si que es inoportuno verdad?
Pues nada, seguro que cuando vuestro hijo pidió por su cumpleaños un cachorrito pensaron que no seria tan malo, a fin de cuentas son unos animalitos adorables. ¿Que molestia podrían provocar?
Pero ya no deben preocuparse, yo les tengo la solución a todos sus problemas.
He aquí un articulo que se llama precisamente ¿Cómo hacer que un perro deje de ladrar?
¿Formas fáciles de perder peso?
La obesidad en el hombre o la mujer, además de un serio problema de salud física, representa hoy, más que todo, un grave azote psicosocial. La población joven afectada por esta “pandemia” es más susceptible a la imagen que proyectan ante el espejo que a los llamados a la cordura de sus médicos.
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La comida
La comida, que temita este.
Para unos lo mejor que hay en el mundo, para otros casi una maldición.
Pero la verdad es que ni lo uno , ni lo otro , la comida es nada mas y nada menos que una parte necesaria e imprescindible para mantener a nuestro cuerpo en un excelente estado fuerte y saludable.
¡Pero cuidado!
Porque si malo es no comer, pues peor es comer demasiado, y no es solo eso, también es muy importante tener en cuenta que es lo que comemos, pues nuestro cuerpo necesita determinadas cantidades de cada tipo de alimento y si no le damos la medida exacta de lo que necesita puede provocar problemas en su funcionamiento y como consecuencia que nos enfermemos, afectando así nuestra vida cotidiana.
Por todo esto es muy importante llevar una vida sana y alimentarnos de una manera saludable, combinado vegetales, carnes, pescado, frutas y todo tipo de alimento. Recuerden que una alimentación sana, es también una vida sana.
Aquí les regalos unos artículos donde nos ensenan a realizar unos maravillosos y saludables platos de comida.
Entrañables recetas de pescado
Las mejores Recetas de las Cocina Griega en tu Hogar
Embarazo semana a semana
La mujer, Flor maravillosa capaz de de dar vida y color, capaz de traer al mundo una criatura llena de ternura y amor.
Cada joven sueña con algún día ser madre, criar, amar y ensenar sobre las más disimiles curiosidades de la vida humana a un pequeño nacido de su vientre. Nunca sabe una mujer cuanto se ama, sino hasta que es madre, es en ese momento cuando realmente encuentra el verdadero amor, pues ese si es duradero e inmenso como ningún otro.
La mujer es capaz de descubrir, aun sin saber, cuando se forma en su interior una vida humana, de una forma u otra su cuerpo comienza a enviarle mensajes que no se pueden ignorar. Comienza a cambiar, a transformarse y prepararse para albergar a aquello que mas amará.
En este artículo encontrarán información sobre los cambios que afrontará la mujer durante los nueve meses de gestación, meses en los que el cuerpo enfrentará uno de los cambios mas definitivos en la vida de una mujer.
Aquí les va:
Embarazo semana a semana
jueves, 1 de julio de 2010
¿Cómo calcular la pensión de jubilación?
Después de toda una vida da trabajo y de aporte útil a la sociedad, toda persona tiene el derecho de tomar un descanso y disfrutar de la paz y tranquilidad de la vida a la llegada de una edad avanzada. Una pensión justa es la retribución que le hace la sociedad por los años de servicio. Es por ello que es importante conocer desde que aun se es joven y se esta a tiempo de pagar lo que mas adelante te darán. En el siguiente artículo se explica claramente todo lo concerniente al cálculo de la pensión de jubilación para que podamos trabajar pensando en un futuro como quedará nuestra situación cuando ya no podamos trabajar para subsistir.
Aquí les va:
Aquí les va:
La prueba de paternidad empleando la información del ADN
Pienso que es muy bueno que los hombres se sientan padres de verdad y que deseen cuidar a sus hijos y se preocupen por ellos, yo por ejemplo me entere un día de que mi padre no era mi verdadero padre , sino que era un hombre al que conocía , pues sus dos hijas estudiaban conmigo en la escuela pero no me quiso reconocer como su hija y aunque el hombre que me crio y me dio todo su amor siguió siendo mi verdadero padre , siempre sentí nostalgia de aquel que me había despreciado. Por eso pienso es maravilloso que existan hombres que sepan dar un paso al frente cuando lo amerita.
Les regalo este artículo, para que conozcan más sobre las pruebas de paternidad y se decidan.
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010
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